Time Required
15 minutes per day for one week to take the photos. One hour to do the writing exercise. While it is not necessary to take a photograph every day, assume that the photography will take you a total of 90 minutes over the course of a week, with an additional hour for the writing.
How to Do It
- Over the next week, take photographs of things that make your life feel meaningful or full of purpose. These can be people, places, objects, pets. If you are not able to take photos of these things—like if they’re not nearby—you can take photos of souvenirs, reminders, websites, or even other photos. Try to take at least nine photographs.
- At the end of the week: If you used a digital camera, upload your photos to a computer. If you used a non-digital camera, have your photos developed.
- Then, once you have collected all of your photos and items, take time to look at and reflect on each one. For each photo or item, write down a response to the following question: “What does this photo represent, and why is it meaningful?"
Why You Should Try It
Research suggests that finding greater meaning in life helps people cope with stress and improves their overall health and well-being—it’s what makes life feel worth living. But finding meaning in life can sometimes feel like an elusive task. In our day-to-day lives, it can be easy to lose sight of the big picture—we tend to focus more on the mundane than the deeply meaningful.
Yet research suggests that there are potential sources of meaning all around us, from the moments of connection we share with others, to the beauty of nature, to the work that we do and the things we create. This exercise helps you bring these meaningful things into focus—literally. By having you photograph, then write about, things that are meaningful to you, it encourages you to pay closer attention to the varied sources of meaning in your life, large and small, and reflect on why they are important to you.
Why It Works
Taking time to recognize and appreciate sources of meaning through photography can help make them more tangible and serve as a reminder of what matters most to you. This greater sense of meaning can, in turn, inspire us to pursue important personal goals and give us a sense of strength and purpose when coping with stressful life events. The use of photography might also benefit people who are more visual than verbal—something for therapists, parents, or teachers to keep in mind as they approach conversations about meaning, purpose, and values in life
Evidence That It Works
Steger, M. F, Shim, Y., Barenz, J., & Shin, J. Y. (2013). Through the windows of the soul: A pilot study using photography to enhance meaning in life. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 3, 27-30.
American college students (mostly white and female) were instructed to take 9-12 photographs of things that they felt made their life meaningful; one week later, they viewed and wrote about each photograph. Based on questionnaires, they reported feeling like they had more meaning in their lives, greater life satisfaction, and more positive emotion afterward than they had beforehand.
Who has tried the practice?
South African adults who did this exercise by posting on Instagram each day for one week immediately showed improvements in depression and anxiety symptoms. They also reported stronger appreciation for others, meaning, and satisfaction with life three months after.
More research is needed to explore whether, and how, the impact of this practice extends to other groups and cultures.
Keep in Mind
One way to adapt this practice is to focus on a specific topic: a particular part of your identity, healing, or life story. For example, you could take photos that provide a glimpse into your everyday routine, support systems, or transformation after trauma.
Moreover, sharing and discussing your photo journals with others may offer additional benefits. Research found that various groups—including caregivers at a pediatric palliative care center in New York, American psychiatric patients, American women with HIV, survivors of sexual assault, Singaporean patients with psychosis, and Filipino survivors of human trafficking and gender-based violence—increased in feelings of empowerment, social connection, and well-being when they focused on specific traumas in their Meaningful Photos and shared their work in group settings.
Michael Steger, Ph.D., Colorado State University
Levy, K., Grant, P. C., Depner, R. M., Tenzek, K. E., Beaupin, L. K., Pailler, M. E., & Brewer-Spritzer, E. (2020). The photographs of meaning program for pediatric palliative caregivers and its impact on meaning, well-being, and perceived social support. Palliative Medicine Reports, 1(1), 84-91.
Lennon-Dearing, R., & Hirschi, M. (2019). A photovoice empowerment intervention for women living with HIV. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 18(4), 347-366.
Maniam, Y., Kumaran, P., Lee, Y. P., Koh, J., & Subramaniam, M. (2016). The journey of young people in an early psychosis program involved in participatory photography. The British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 79(6), 368-375.
Rolbiecki, A., Anderson, K., Teti, M., & Albright, D. L. (2016). “Waiting for the cold to end”: Using photovoice as a narrative intervention for survivors of sexual assault. Traumatology, 22(4), 242-248.
Russinova, Z., Rogers, E. S., Gagne, C., Bloch, P., Drake, K. M., & Mueser, K. T. (2014). A randomized controlled trial of a peer-run antistigma photovoice intervention. Psychiatric Services, 65(2), 242-246.
Tsai, L. C. (2022). Photovoice as a psychosocial intervention for survivors of human trafficking and gender-based violence. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 33(7), 991-1005.
van Zyl, L. E., Zondervan-Zwijnenburg, M., Dickens, L. R., & Hulshof, I. L. (2020). Exploring meaning in life through a brief photo-ethnographic intervention using Instagram: A Bayesian growth modelling approach. International Review of Psychiatry, 32(7-8), 723-745.
and Reviews
Veronica Hdaidh
Quero agradecer ao Dr. O. WATER pelo medicamento à base de plantas que me deu a mim e à minha filha. Eu estava a sofrer de surtos de VIH e herpes simples em todos os meus genitais quando dei à luz a minha filha e foi assim que a minha filha apanhou a doença indiretamente de mim. Quero utilizar este meio para dizer a todos que a solução para a nossa doença chegou, por isso gostaria que contactassem este grande curador para o seu endereço de e-mail: DRWATERHIVCURECENTRE@GMAIL.COM e pelo Whatsapp +2349050205019. Estou muito feliz hoje porque eu e a minha filha estamos curados do VIH e do herpes. Agora estamos negativos após o uso do seu medicamento à base de plantas, e o meu médico especialista confirmou isso. mais uma vez digo um grande obrigado ao Doutor O.WATER pelas suas mãos curadoras sobre a minha vida e a minha filha.
Henriette Amunazo
FUI CURADO DO VÍRUS HERPES SIMPLEX PELO DR. WATER, O GRANDE HERBALISTA. 🌿☘️ Estou muito feliz por partilhar este testemunho com o mundo porque geralmente há muitas dúvidas sobre a cura do vírus HERPES simplex. Isto é real, levem isto a sério, o meu nome é HENRIETTE AMUNAZO e estou muito feliz por hoje poder dar este testemunho ao mundo e também ajudar pessoas que foram condenadas tal como eu fui. Quem acreditaria que uma erva pode curar o HERPES completamente do corpo? Nunca acreditei que isto resultasse, gastei muito dinheiro a comprar medicamentos no hospital para suprimir surtos, chegou uma altura em que tudo o que queria era que a morte viesse porque estava falido e já tinha fortes surtos do vírus do herpes. Um dia, estava a navegar na internet fazendo perguntas online só para saber mais sobre os últimos desenvolvimentos no setor médico para ver se ainda havia esperança, então deparei-me com uma publicação sobre este grande homem chamado DR WATER através de uma amiga online que deu publicamente um testemunho sobre como também foi curada do vírus herpes simplex 2 por este médico herbalista que é bem conhecido pela sua forte prática herbal antiga para a cura de HERPES, HIV, VERRUGAS e CANCRO. No início duvidei tanto da mulher como do médico, assim como muitos que vêem este post duvidariam, porque clinicamente estava provado que era impossível, mas depois decidi tentar, por isso enviei-lhe um e-mail. Não acreditei muito nele, só queria dar-lhe uma oportunidade. Ele respondeu ao meu e-mail e precisava de algumas informações sobre mim, por isso enviei-lha, ele preparou um medicamento à base de plantas (CURA) e enviou-o através do serviço de entrega online. Ele deu os meus dados à Courier Office. Disseram-me que em 3 a 5 dias receberia o pacote e depois de o receber, tomei o medicamento conforme prescrito por ele, no final dos 13 dias que o medicamento durou, disse-me para ir ao hospital para fazer um teste, e eu fui, surpreendentemente depois do teste o médico confirmou-me livre do vírus do herpes simplex, pensei que fosse uma brincadeira, fui a outros hospitais e também me confirmaram que estava livre do herpes, direi que foi como um milagre. Esperei para ver se teria novos surtos e já lá vão 2 meses desde que não tive nenhum. Obrigado senhor por me salvar a vida, mesmo que não possa ver esta publicação, nunca deixarei de testemunhar o impacto que causou na minha vida ao restaurá-la quando estava a ser estigmatizado e até evitado por familiares e amigos. Prometo que testemunharei sempre as suas boas obras. se tem vírus herpes simplex, é paciente com HIV, diabetes, vírus do papiloma humano ou verrugas genitais, contacte-o e tenho a certeza que será curado, contacte-o através de: e-mail: Drwaterhivcurecentre@gmail.com ou ligue/whatsapp: +2349050205019 ESTAS SÃO AS COISAS QUE O DR WATER É ESPECIALIZADO . HERPES . VIH/SIDA . CÂNCER . VERRUGAS GENITAIS . CÁLCULOS NOS RENAIS . ÚLCERA . HEPATITE B&C . TRANSTORNO DA TAXA PORTUÁRIA . DIABETES . CANCRO DE PRÓSTRATA . MIOMA, CISTO . INFERTILIDADE [MARIDO OU ESPOSA]
nelly tyson
Hello everyone. Dr. Osalu Herbs is a good remedy for herpes Virus , I was a carrier of herpes virus and I saw a testimony on how Dr. Osalu cured Herpes Virus, I decided to contact him, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. After he finished he sent me the herbs which I took for 2 weeks before asking me to go for a check up and getting there. I could not believe that I was confirmed HSV 2 Negative after the test,Today I am so happy because i'm free from herpes virus with the help of Dr. Osalu Thank God now everything is fine, I'm cured by Dr. Osalu herbal medicine, I'm very thankful to God for making it possible. you can reach him on his email, i strongly recommend him to any one out here looking for a cure . drosaluherbalhome@gmail.com or call/whats-app +2348078668950. website: https://drosaluherbalhome.wixsite.com/drosaluherbshome
Desirae Bartholomew
Julia Scott
At first, I hesitated at the thought of taking certain picture. But then, I couldn't help but to admit what they mean to me. And, it's all good. The fact that I stopped doing some beautiful things because of unfavorable outcomes in the past, made me realize that those good things are still a part of who I am and it's okay to be me. What a great experience now to realize that I am not stuck in a certain bracket of defeat that comes from feeling stuck in a failure zone. If anything, I am the opposite, a positive, peaceful, decent, well-rounded, wholesome human being who has a lot to offer for the overall good of humanity. : )
The Greater Good Toolkit
Made in collaboration with Holstee, this tookit includes 30 science-based practices for a meaningful life.
The Greater Good Toolkit
Made in collaboration with Holstee, this tookit includes 30 science-based practices for a meaningful life.